Monday, August 2, 2010

All That She Hoped For..

She sat there by the window, not knowing what to do. Life, as she knew, had ended. The last piece of hope she had within her just vanished into thin air. She’d never expected this. It was like tearing apart a soul that had already been tormented a lot. She never could’ve stood against that. But she should. She did.
All she wanted was some love. Someone who could know her thoughts even before she said. But what she got was the opposite. No one seemed to stand by her. The whole world seemed to turn onto her for something she did not do. And, she’s just a girl.
God. Even though I’m not self-righteous, I do believe in The Almighty. The Powerful One. How else would you explain all that is happening around us in synch? I just have one question for You. Its not something new. It’s a question which has been addressed to You for ages. “Why is it that you keep testing some people more than the others? Why can’t You just leave them alone for sometime, or rather, be with them for sometime? Can’t You give it a break?!”
She was alone when she was in college. She had no one to share her lunch with. No one was with her during her commutes to home and college. She had to suffer a lot. She was left alone, because she was a good person.
No one was ever nice to her. Everyone took advantage of her goodness. Still, she’d say nothing. She was glad to help anyone and everyone. She’d give whatever’s left of her to get a true friend. But no one seemed to care about her feelings. Nobody felt her feelings. She sometimes even imagined that she could die and no one would notice. She was lost.
If only I could help her. If only I could console her. If only I could bring her back to life. Tell her that everything’s going to be alright. That there was nothing to worry about. If only I could hug her when she needed one. If only I could stand by her, holding her arms when she felt sad and lonely. If only she knew me.
"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."
Happy Friendship Day.